Your Good Mornings Start Here.

B.Hai Sleep Health is an online medical service that helps busy professionals get better sleep — because your health, performance, and happiness depend on a good night’s rest.

Meet Dr. Carol Yuan-Duclair, MD

Dr. Carol is a board-certified sleep physician who created B. Hai Sleep Health because she recognized the need for tailored sleep treatments in today’s fast-paced world. Telehealth appointments gets you in to see the doctor 1:1 without having to drive or wait.


Take control of your insomnia

One in three people struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Many different reasons can cause insomnia. They may be behavioral, medical, or completely normal. The best way to find out is by talking to a professional.

Dr. Carol can help you find out the cause of your insomnia and take control of your sleep again.


When sleep medications fail

Whether you have tried prescription medications or over-the-counter sleep aids, they probably had side effects or simply just didn’t work. Instead of experimenting, find out what’s depriving you of a good night’s rest and bring back sleep again.


Do you snore?

Our first step is to identify possible sleep disorders and treat them accordingly. We offer overnight disposable home sleep test kits mailed to your home and on-line visits to review the results.

Make every night count.


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Carol today.

B.Hai Sleep Health has helped hundreds of people like you get better sleep. 


B.Hai Video Log

In these fun, informative videos, Dr. Carol talks about the many aspects of sleep health. 


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